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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Something they call photographs

As a cover up for not writing often enough, here are some of my favorite pictures.

From the Chilean style rodeo. We went to a festival in a nearby town to watch these guasos (cowboys) throw cattle into the wall. It sounds crude, but I loved it!

The three schools in downtown Santiago in procession for the Virgin Mary of Carmen, the Marian devotion of Chile. I joined the procession right after I took this photo.

View of Manquehue hill from afar. Rodrigo and I climbed in poor visibility, which turned out to be a problem, but this was one of the few good views we got of the summit all day.

Picnic in the Andes mountains. Hard to beat it.

The class I'm helping out with: Tercero medio B, humanistas. They are the equivalent of Juniors in high school. Great students.

Working hard.
View of the Andes from near the summit of Manquehue

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew--I just got around to looking at your blog. Very interesting entries about the trees and your reaction to green space or the lack thereof. Hopefully the blooming of spring will bring more greenery to life everywhere. The work at the Hosperidia sounds interesting mostly due to the environment. Is that the only day you and Jer work side by side? The photos are lovely. You will need to explain what you mean by "running cattle into the wall" Looking forward to skyping sometime soon. Love, Dad
